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Sleeping Cat: How Long do Cats Sleep?

Kittens love to sleep. In fact, most cats will sleep anywhere from 13–16 hours a day. The reason is simple: meat is a rich source of energy, and sleeping after each meal allows that energy to be conserved.

So, next time you catch your kitten napping, remember that she’s not being lazy. Instead, your feline friend is mimicking the natural behaviour of her big cat cousins, making sure she’s restored and ready for the next hunt!

How many hours do cats sleep?

How many times have you found your little furball all curled up in unlikely places, lost in deep slumber? And how many times have you stared at your sleeping cat in wonder and sighed with envy that you can’t sleep such peacefully? If you have been a cat parent for long, the answers to both questions would probably be ‘numerous times.’

So, how long do cats sleep or how many hours cat sleep? While it seems like they are asleep for the whole day, fur kiddos generally sleep for 13 to 16 hours a day, with come sleeping even more than 18 hours. With age this duration increases and you will find your elderly furry sleeping more hours than they did as kittens.

What is a Catnap?

Cats usually doze off multiple times during the day instead of having a long sleep like us humans do. This is why you will find your fur baby stretched out in one place and then curled up in another throughout the day. The term ‘catnap’ was coined taking into account this sleeping pattern of cats and it essentially means taking short bouts of naps during the day, just like your sleeping cat.

Cat's Sleep Cycle

Cats, like humans, also follow a circadian sleep rhythm, but their sleep cycle is very different than ours. Humans have a diurnal sleep rhythm, which means we sleep at night and stay awake during the day time. Whereas felines follow a crepuscular rhythm, which makes them most alert just before the daybreak and right after nightfall. Researchers believe this might be caused by the wild cat’s predatory nature where they can hunt diurnal birds and nocturnal rodents during their peak alert times.

When should you be concerned about your Cat’s Sleep?

There can be several reasons for a change in your cat’s sleeping patterns. Your furball may sleep longer after an extensive playtime or extended sleeping can also be the result of stress caused by moving house or addition of a new family member. As long as their excessive or decreased sleep hours is temporary and are not accompanied by other symptoms such as sudden weight loss/ gain, altered bathroom habits, or disorientation, they should be fine. However, change in sleep patterns can also mean the following, especially when accompanied by other signs.

Prolonged sleeping can mean –

  1. Kidney problems if accompanied by loss of appetite, increased thirst, and more vocalisation at nights.
  2. Hypothyroidism if your fur kid also seems to be losing hair and is uninterested to eat.

Reduced sleeping can mean –

  1. Hyperthyroidism if they also have symptoms like increased appetite accompanied by weight loss and excessive excitement.
  2. Feline immunodeficiency virus if you see your fur kiddo not sleeping well for a long time.

To be on the safe side, you should consult your vet and get your cat’s health checked if you observe any unusual sleep activity and are concerned about your fur baby not sleeping well.

FAQ for Cat's Sleeping Habit

Do Cats Dream and Snore?

Yes, cats dream and snore. You will find your sleeping kitten twitching, moving their paws, making noises, and stretching. They can also snore when deeply asleep. Snoring is normal as long it’s not accompanied by other problems like sneezing, nose or eye discharge, coughing, or appetite changes.

How many hours does a cat sleep in a week?

In general, cats sleep for around 13-16 hours per day, but this duration can extent to over 18 hours in some cats. So, how long do cats sleep in a week? Well, cats sleep a whopping 91 to more than 126 hours per week!

Is a Cat Always in Deep Sleep?

Cats deep sleep for about 1/4th of their sleeping hours with the rest 3/4th dedicated to light sleeping or just snoozing. During light sleep, your furry friend is still resting, but in an alert state.

Do cats care if you sleep with them?

Most cats love co-sleeping with their humans and they will happily snooze curled up beside you or on your lap.

Do cats fake sleep?

Yes, they do. Cats fake sleep for a number of reasons such as when they are stressed or looking to get some pets from you.

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For the latest on COVID-19, visit the official Government website: www.sacoronavirus.co.za

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